Pancreatic Surgery

Symptoms of pancreatic problems requiring surgery

● Abdominal pain: This is the most common symptom of pancreatic
● Jaundice: This is a yellowing of the skin and eyes, caused by a buildup of
bilirubin in the blood.
● Weight loss: This can occur because the pancreas produces enzymes that
help the body digest food.
● Nausea and vomiting: These can occur because the pancreas produces
insulin, which helps the body regulate blood sugar levels.
● Diabetes: This can occur because the pancreas produces insulin, which
helps the body regulate blood sugar levels.

Pain management after pancreatic surgery

● Medications: Pain relievers such as opioids and nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are typically prescribed.
● Nerve blocks: These injections can block pain signals from reaching the
● Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA): This allows patients to self-administer
pain medication through an IV pump

Recovery time after pancreatic surgery

● Hospital stay: 7-10 days for the Whipple procedure, 3-5 days for other
types of pancreatic surgery.
● Full recovery: 6-12 weeks

Dietary changes after pancreatic surgery:

● Small, frequent meals: This helps to ensure that the pancreas is not
overwhelmed by too much food at once.
● Low-fat diet: This helps to reduce the risk of diarrhea.
● Low-sugar diet: This helps to control blood sugar levels.
● Supplements: Enzymes and vitamins may be prescribed to help with
digestion and nutrient absorption.

Long-term effects on insulin production

● Pancreatic surgery can damage the insulin-producing cells in the
pancreas, which can lead to diabetes.
● The risk of developing diabetes depends on the type of surgery and the
amount of pancreatic tissue that is removed.
● Most people will need to take insulin after pancreatic surgery.

Support resources for patients

● Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN):
● National Cancer Institute (NCI):
● American Cancer Society:
● Local support groups: Many hospitals and communities offer support
groups for patients with pancreatic cancer or other pancreatic diseases.

Signs of potential complications

● Fever: This can be a sign of infection.
● Severe pain: This could be a sign of bleeding or a pancreatic fistula.
● Nausea and vomiting: These could be signs of delayed gastric emptying or
other complications.
● Yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice): This could be a sign of a bile duct
● Redness, swelling, or drainage from the incision site: These could be signs
of an infection.

Why would I need a splenectomy?

A splenectomy may be necessary for various reasons like ITP (idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura), hemolytic anemia, enlarged spleen
(splenomegaly), and trauma.

What can I expect after surgery?

Expect a hospital stay of 3-5 days (open surgery) or 1-2 days (laparoscopic surgery), followed by 4-6 weeks of recovery.

What are the dietary restrictions after a splenectomy?

No specific restrictions, but a healthy diet is recommended. Smaller, more
frequent meals may be advised, along with avoiding raw or undercooked

What medications are typically prescribed after a splenectomy?

You may be prescribed pain relievers, antibiotics, and vaccinations.

How will my immune system be affected after a splenectomy?

The spleen plays a crucial role in the immune system, so its absence increases the risk of certain infections, especially encapsulated bacteria. Vaccines may be less effective.

What are the risks of getting vaccinated after a splenectomy?

Some vaccines may not be safe after a splenectomy. Discuss vaccination
with your doctor

What precautions should I take to prevent infections after a splenectomy?

Wash hands frequently, avoid crowds and sick people, cook food
thoroughly, get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, and see your doctor if any
signs of infection appear.

Can I still live a normal life after a splenectomy?

Most people can live a normal life after a splenectomy. However, taking
precautions to prevent infections are crucial.

What should I do if I experience severe pain, fever, or other concerning symptoms after surgery?

Contact your doctor immediately for evaluation and possible treatment


For appointments and enquiries, please call Mobile +91-90223 59776 and Landline +91-22- 35685303. Otherwise, submit the form below and we’ll be in touch!


For appointments and enquiries, please call Mobile +91-90223 59776 and Landline +91-22- 35685303. Otherwise, submit the form below and we’ll be in touch!


DATE OF SURGERY: 29/6/2015

Dr. Simon N. Gicharu, Kenya.

Very Humbled. The Nurses and Doctors are amazing. I received the best care and am very confident that I am getting world class treatment. My comment to one nurse summarizes my experience – Other nurses in other countries need to come to India to learn the art of Nursing.

Mr SGN, 50 year old male from Kenya, weighed 135 kg and suffered from recurrent attacks of gout. In addition, he also had high cholesterol levels and was pre-diabetic. He underwent Robotic Mini Gastric Bypass, and within a week went back home. 6 months later, his sugars, cholesterol and uric acid levels had normalized, and his weight reached 100 kg. He is now healthier, and does not have any further health concerns.


DATE OF SURGERY: 10/01/2015

Really great work.

Me and my wife are both happy now, all thanks to Dr Palep!

Mr BD, 42 year old male, was suffering from uncontrolled Type II Diabetes Mellitus (on 2 oral drugs), hyperthyroidism (high doses of anti-thyroid medications) and high cholesterol uncontrolled with medicines, all due to his morbid obesity. He underwent a Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass, and stuck to his diet and exercise routine after surgery. Now, 1 year after the surgery, he has lost 40 kg and his BMI has dropped from 38 to 27 kg/m2. The biggest improvement for him is that his Diabetes mellitus has resolved completely. His HbA1c (Glycosylated Hemoglobin) has fallen from an unacceptably high value of 9.3% to a normal value of 4.75% in just 6 months. His doses of anti-thyroid medications have reduced, his cholesterol is now normal, and he is happier than ever.
Seeing his remarkable improvement, his wife has also undergone bariatric surgery for her medical diseases.


DATE OF SURGERY: 20/07/2015

Really great work.

have found new vigor and can do things better. All my friends from Mozambique want to look like me now! Thanks to Dr Nidhi and Dr Palep!!!

A 28 year old male, was suffering not only from morbid obesity, but also asthma and anxiety attacks. Tired of his excessive weight hampering his social life, he decided to opt for weight loss surgery. On the day of the surgery, he had a last minute crisis, and did not want to undergo the surgery out of fear. However, with gentle support and encouragement, he finally mustered the courage to undergo a banded sleeve gastrectomy. Now, 6 months after the surgery, he has lost weight, his fertility has improved, and he has not had any asthma or anxiety attacks.


DATE OF SURGERY: 24/07/2015

Really great work.

Very happy! Very confident! Thanks Dr Palep.

Mrs SB, a 56 year old female, has already fought a battle with endometrial cancer. Her cancer surgeon recommended bariatric surgery as an option, so that losing her excess weight would reduce her risk of developing cancer again. (It has been proven in international studies that losing excess weight prevents the occurrence of breast and endometrial cancers.) In addition, she also had Uncontrolled Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and Hypothyroidism. Within 6 months of undergoing Laparoscopic Banded Sleeve Gastrectomy, not only has she lost weight, her Diabetes and blood pressure are under control, and the dosage for her thyroid medicines has decreased. She is now more active and energetic.


DATE OF SURGERY: 07/02/2013

Really great work.

Thanks to bariatric surgery, I am walking the way I did 20 years back

Mrs. SS, weighing 113 kg, was prepared to undergo a total knee replacement, when her joint replacement surgeon suggested that losing excess weight might help her avoid it. Remembering her previously failed attempts at liposuction and tummy tuck, she decided to opt for bariatric surgery, hoping that this would control her thyroid problems too. With a BMI of more than 45 kg/m2, she was offered robotic bariatric surgery. Now, three years later, she weighs 58 kg, walks normally, and is medication free ever since.


DATE OF SURGERY: 16/6/2015

Really great work.

Thanks to Dr Palep for bariatric surgery. This has benefited my health greatly.

Mr JKB, 72 years of age, was suffering from uncontrolled Type II Diabetes Mellitus for over 15 years due to his morbid obesity. Weighing 120 kg, he tried a variety of weight loss techniques, but none provided a lasting result. On hearing about metabolic surgery from his sister (who also underwent the surgery with us) to reverse diabetes, he instantly decided to opt for it – anything was better than living a life revolving around diabetes and insulin. Within 3 months of the surgery, his diabetes was reversed, and within a year of the surgery, he lost upto 40 kg. Now, he lives diabetes – free and is off all medications for diabetes and hypertension.


DATE OF SURGERY: 14/8/2015

Really great work.

Due to Diabetes, I almost lost my foot, and was at risk of never being able to walk again. Thankfully, I got the right advice in time, and decided to undergo bariatric surgery. Ever since the surgery, I am off all medicines for Diabetes, and my foot has healed. I can now walk normally.

45 year old male, was suffering from uncontrolled Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension with morbid obesity. Living alone in Bahrain, he couldn’t socialize or carry out his job due to all his medical illnesses. His Diabetes progressed to such an extent, that despite insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs, he developed a severe infection in his left foot, leading to an amputation of 4 of his toes in the left foot, and a large non-healing infected ulcer despite highest possible antibiotics.

Tired of all his medical issues, He turned to bariatric surgery for help. Once his wound was cleaned and infection reduced, he underwent a laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. The very next day, he saw his sugars lowered. Despite being off insulin, his wound started improving, blood pressure normalizing, and he started losing weight.

Now, at 3 months after the surgery, He has lost almost 40 kg of his excess body weight. He is off all medicines for his Diabetes and blood pressure, and his foot has healed completely. Now he has returned to his job in Bahrain, healthier and happier.